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Author Topic: Quotes  (Read 148644 times)

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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1400 on: September 03, 2013, 11:10:26 PM »

MisterYada:   is bored. Should either work on his campaign setting, or start work on his terrible Doctor Who fic idea.
MisterYada:   My Doctor Who fic idea was the "If Doctor Who ported into Dead Space"

<MisterYada> I generally watch the cute girl variety, with slightly less fan-fagging over it than the typical cute girl fans.
<MisterYada> I fidn them to be my karmic balance to my whole "Loving Lovecraft stories, writing horror myself, listening to death metal, and playing a lot of generally dark and violent games."

there's always that moment where you're thinking, "I have to stop reading the awful shit this person is saying," followed by "I have to keep reading to see if they top themselves."
"And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability."


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1401 on: September 04, 2013, 12:56:24 AM »

MisterYada:   is bored. Should either work on his campaign setting, or start work on his terrible Doctor Who fic idea.
MisterYada:   My Doctor Who fic idea was the "If Doctor Who ported into Dead Space"


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1402 on: September 05, 2013, 03:35:58 PM »

<Stush> Man, why isn't bush in jail
<Romosome> stush he's a white rich dude
<Romosome> they don't go to jail
<Stush> He should be in rich white jail!
<Mothra> hehe
<Stush> That should be the worst jail
<Romosome> that's called retirement
<Romosome> oh
<Stush> No toilet paper
<Romosome> there was an article the other day
<Stush> No toilet paper at all
<Stush> Just a big roll of sandpaper
<Mothra> sometimes the guards pee in a cup and throw it on you
<Romosome> all the old rich white people are complaining about the neighborhood being ruined
<Mothra> you only get buzzfeed
<Stush> There's a man who walks past to fart through the bars every hour
<Romosome> by young rich white people
<Romosome> who are going there to vacation and puking on everything
<Stush> Romo, nice
<Stush> I am always pleased when our generation finds a new way to piss off old people
<Stush> Because they deserve it.
<Mothra> man being the bar farter would be a pretty cushy gig
<Stush> Two farts from retirement

<KazzFL> in rich white jail they smuggle fine rosewood pipes into the facility
<Mothra> smuggling an entire shuffleboard set in by way of anus
<KazzFL> anyway i want to make more jokes about rich white jail
<KazzFL> like how they stab one another with their golden pens
<Romosome> going out and getting absolutely jacked on the putting green
<Romosome> you've got gangs in there. harvard, yale
<MetalSlime> They don't stab each other with pens
<Stush> They bend over in the shower and someone starts sniffing cocaine off their butt
<MetalSlime> they hire people that let them be stabbed with pens
<Romosome> the ultimate rich white jail would be one where they just hire minorities to be in jail for them
<Stush> Oh man
<Stush> Proxy jail
<KazzFL> this is a serious offense sir
<Stush> We finally arrest the bankers who wiped out the economy, and they cut a deal where a homeless guy goes to jail for them.
<KazzFL> you're going to have to put at least 50 brown people in jail for this one


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1403 on: September 11, 2013, 06:12:31 PM »

23:59   <Esperath>:
23:59   <nyao>: YOUTUBE: Official Call of Duty®: Ghosts Single Player Campaign Trailer :):):)
00:01   <MetalSlime>: You will believe a dog can take town a helicopter in...
00:01   <MetalSlime>: Surface to Air Bud


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1404 on: September 15, 2013, 06:49:28 AM »

Clearly the Parti Québécois must be ever vigilant: Some historians theorize that a picnic brought down the Roman Empire.

From Bernard Drainville, the Quebec minister responsible for crafting (at the party's direction) the most blatantly discriminatory legislation seen in North America all decade (and I don't say that lightly).

To the non-Canadians: The background here is that because soverignty votes are political kryptonite right now, the PQ is desperately trying to find new ways to tell "pure" Francophone Quebecers that it is still "their" party without mentioning their entire raison d'être. This is almost exactly like Nixon's Southern Strategy, right down to comedic use of code words catering to the alienated white rural redneck demographic.

Only the PQ is not the GOP, so these efforts appear about ten times as ridiculous. Zed may or may not have comments of his own.



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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1405 on: September 16, 2013, 01:57:50 AM »

For sure, there's a bit of good and a whole lot of retarded in there. I agree with the idea of clearly enunciating and reinforcing a social commitment to man/woman/otherwise equality in rights and essentially every other aspect one might care to think of. But when religious symbols are mentioned, yeah it's a dumb load of crap. I'm all for the government being religion-neutral, but to me, a religion-neutral government doesn't say "don't wear your religious stuff", it says "eh, we don't care what kind of hat you're wearing".

I gotta correct your context, though, Mongrel. That whole thing with being the party of pure Québecers and such, yeah, no that's not really in the debate. I can see it might appear that way from the outside, especially to people for whom Québec is off the radar a lot of the time. But, and I'm not just saying that to be defensive of my homeland's government (hell, I voted Québec Solidaire), but ethnic nationalism doesn't really come into play in a major way. In fact, when one says "ethnic nationalism" in Québec, that's still basically white Christians (practicing or not), and these guys are just as pissed as anyone else today.

The deeper context is, there have been several highly-publicized cases of religious discrimination/segregation towards women in the last decade or so. Stuff like orthodox Jews in Montréal demanding that a local gym shut their blinds when women exercize near windows, or a Muslim community demanding separate times set aside in public pools, some periods exclusively for Muslim men and some exclusively for Muslim women. There's been a lot of debate for a while about whether, as a society, we have to put up with that sort of thing, and yes that debate has been exploited politically by the major parties. And it is that reckless, clumsy exploitation of an otherwise fairly legitimate debate that has spawned the Charte des Valeurs today, not the debate itself.

Now, are there actual racists, xenophobes, and other such degenerates in Québec? Yes. Definitely, there are, I wouldn't say otherwise. My mother is kind of one. I've told you guys before how I was accosted by an idiot who though I was a Jew and went on an embarrassing (to him) screaming tirade. But I still don't believe the PQ is trying to appeal to these people here, or if it is, it's not close to being the entire picture. They're trying to settle a question that needs to be settled. It's just that they're doing it in a really fucking shitty way, a way that is certainly gonna look pretty damn racist to anyone looking in from the outside.


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1406 on: September 16, 2013, 02:49:28 AM »

I'm all for the government being religion-neutral, but to me, a religion-neutral government doesn't say "don't wear your religious stuff", it says "eh, we don't care what kind of hat you're wearing".

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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1407 on: September 16, 2013, 02:52:51 AM »

Eh, I'm gonna disagree on that one.

Some of the incidents you're talking about made the news outside of Québec (most of them, actually), and the reasonable accommodation debate (and report) are actually old news if you read any national papers at all.

Seems to me that the Bouchard-Taylor Comission already came up with a report to address the issue and no one really had any big problems with it's findings or suggestions when it came out (I suppose that's a very Canadian thing to do: Strike a commission study a serious problem in great detail. When said commission comes up with good, sensible solutions to the problem, ignore that and do something dumb instead).

I think that's just an excuse. You're not the only Francophone Québecer I know and at least some of them have framed this as primarily a vote buying exercise that panders to people's worst instincts. I'm inclined to agree. This smells and looks like a Southern Strategy to me.



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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1408 on: September 16, 2013, 03:25:43 AM »

Well, if I'm wrong and that's the case, it doesn't look like it's working, I heard on the radio the Libéraux have the lead in polls today. Lessee if I can source that here...

Okay, here. Support for the Charte has been going down, from 57% in late August to 43% today. Vote intentions are 36% for the PLQ, and 33% for the PQ. That said, apparently 51% support the bit about religious ornaments in public service, but I'm honestly inclined to believe this is a result of organized religion's rapidly hastening agony that started in the 60s, rather than the result of racism targeted at a specific demographic. Lotta people might be against Islam, but a lot of people are against religion in general.

Way I read this is, people are looking for a solution to the debate, but are slowly coming to realize the Charte is a really bad one.

I'm all for the government being religion-neutral, but to me, a religion-neutral government doesn't say "don't wear your religious stuff", it says "eh, we don't care what kind of hat you're wearing".

Please come be our president.

I'd take a Dictator-For-Life job, but presidency is for suckers, you couldn't pay me enough.


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1409 on: September 16, 2013, 05:39:15 AM »

Support for the Charter has been going down across Québec overall because, just as you said, whatever it's aims were, it's a horrible, poorly thought-out idea (and probably not even remotely constitutional). But the way its been received outside Montreal has been different than the way its been received in the city:
EDIT: and a non-federalist source (albeit a slightly older article):

On that basis, there is an argument for the whole thing as an utterly cynical pander-to-the-basest-of-the-base move.

One argument I've heard a few times, it that it's possible the PQ don't even really intend to implement it - the real plan is to see the Charter struck down in a constitutional fight, which they can use that as a (minor) rallying cry instead. Or maybe that's just the "plan B". I don't think that's worth as much as they think it is though; of all the issues to rally sovereigntists, that's not one that's going to bring more people in.


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1410 on: September 16, 2013, 05:56:47 AM »

But really, I just wanna know about this picnic that brought down the Roman Empire.


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1411 on: September 16, 2013, 12:25:47 PM »

our quotes topic is now about french canadian politics.

is this the end


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1412 on: September 16, 2013, 12:29:15 PM »

My only friend.

The End.


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1413 on: September 16, 2013, 01:25:53 PM »

our quotes topic is now about french canadian politics.

is this the end



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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1414 on: September 17, 2013, 05:46:27 AM »

My buddy NicotineJones found out his wife is pregant. Congrats, etc. Then this:

<NicotineJones> thanks guys!
<NicotineJones> i think I am probably going to have to change my username everywhere
<JSexton> At least you aren't still using the MethadoneJones tag anymore, right?
<X-0_in_life> StrongCoffeeJones now perhaps?
<Dantes> If it's a girl I think you should change your name to "IhaveashotgunandImnotafraidtouseitJones."
<Walkerdog> I joke with my wife that i will toss my daughter's first bf down a long set of stairs
<Walkerdog> just so the other young men at school have a proper wariness.
<FMM> funny joke
<NicotineJones> i mean, maybe I'll feel differently about it when/if the time comes
<NicotineJones> but it is not clear to me that screening for "willing to risk death to have sex" is a good idea w/r/t future hypothetical daughter's future hypothetical boyfriends.



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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1415 on: September 18, 2013, 02:41:23 AM »

<Sharkey> I should troll forums as a proofreader.
<Sharkey> Never actually say anything. Just copy other people's posts and fix spelling and punctuation.
<Cthulhu-chan> the instant gratification of CoH can't possibly be matched.
<Sharkey> No, probably not.
<Sharkey> And before long people start trying to catch you in a mistake. Like if you get a comma wrong and call you on it you'll vanish in a puff of grammar.
<Brentai> I... will... not... die... as... long... as... there... are... typos... on... the... message... boards... of... the... Internet... *ellipsis*

I just wanted to thank Brentai for teaching me all I need to know


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1416 on: September 18, 2013, 03:05:29 AM »

Man who says women don't hate other women speaking?  That's not even a gamer thing.  You get two women in a room and let one start talking and the other will just start interrupting her with OH MY GOD RIGHT AND THEN BOB WAS LIKE LOOOOOL

This post is for humor purposes only and does not reflect the views of Mr. Duck Dragon.


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1417 on: September 18, 2013, 04:14:42 AM »

<Sharkey> I should troll forums as a proofreader.
<Sharkey> Never actually say anything. Just copy other people's posts and fix spelling and punctuation.
<Cthulhu-chan> the instant gratification of CoH can't possibly be matched.
<Sharkey> No, probably not.
<Sharkey> And before long people start trying to catch you in a mistake. Like if you get a comma wrong and call you on it you'll vanish in a puff of grammar.
<Brentai> I... will... not... die... as... long... as... there... are... typos... on... the... message... boards... of... the... Internet... *ellipsis*

I just wanted to thank Brentai for teaching me all I need to know



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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1418 on: September 18, 2013, 04:53:50 AM »

That comic always bugged me because nobody seems to actually care about ending sentences with prepositions.


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Re: Quotes
« Reply #1419 on: September 18, 2013, 07:31:30 AM »

It's the kind of pedantry up with which most people do not put.
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