BongoBill: There's just one thing about New Super Mario Bros. Wii that bugs me.
BongoBill: It's the characters. I mean, what if the Beatles were John, Paul, Yellow Ringo, and Blue Ringo?
BongoBill: What if the Gospels were Matthew, Mark, Yellow Luke, and Blue Luke? What if DNA were made of adenine, cytosine, yellow thymine, and blue thymine?
BongoBill: (or, in the case of RNA, yellow uracil and blue uracil)
BongoBill: What if the characters of Left 4 Dead were Francis, Bill, Yellow Louis, and Blue Louis (Blouis, if you will)? What if the characters of Borderlands were Roland, Brick, Yellow Mordecai, and Blue Mordecai?
BongoBill: What if the points of a compass were north, south, yellow east, and blue east? What if the seasons were spring, summer, yellow autumn, and blue autumn? What if the classical elements were earth, wind, yellow fire, and blue fire?
Roger: Propane?
BongoBill: What if the Fellowship had Frodo, Sam, Yellow Pippin, and Blue Pippin?