<Warped> So there's this phenomenon in my apartment, where if I leave out any plastic goods in my kitchen, like cups or tupperware, for more than a day or two, it gets sticky.
<Warped> It's tacky, like it's been coated in some light spray adhesive.
<Warped> I've been here for two years and it happens consistently.
<Warped> I don't have to cook for it to happen. I've never experienced anything like it anywhere else I've lived. Any ideas about what the fuck is happening?
<Zephyr> Ghost jizz.
<DS> It sounds like you got a field of increased entropy breaking down the polymer chains. What you're gonna wanna do is get a high-grade recombobulator unit and run it two, maybe three hours a day while you're out of the house.
<DS> These units, they aint cheap, but I know a guy who refurbishes them and I can get you a deal on one, they usually sell for a grand but I can get you one for a couple hundred bucks.
<DS> Let me know if you're interested.
<DS> You probably want to hurry before the entropy field starts messing with your electronics, that can get real expensive real fast.
<KingR> Could be dish soap? Thin layer left over with moisture in the air?
<DS> Hey buddy, what are you a dish soap professor or somethin? I'm trying to sell some quality machinery to this gentleman. >__>
<Warped> Hmm yeah, dish soap does make a bit more sense than ghost jizz, which was my first hypothesis. I'll try switching dish soaps!
<RawMeat> seriously, though, it's ghosts jerking it on your dishes
<Frodo> I think it's spectral semen.
<BB> sounds like an other worldly wad
<QED> aerosolized semen
<Grak> I get that on surfaces when I've been boiling water or simmering something. But not overnight.
<Phodos> It’s me
<DougB> Dandilion dust from the Avatar planet. You must be some kind of chosen one
<DougB> James Cameron
<BHA> Smectoplasm obv
<BHA> You have a polterbator in your home.
<Mongrel> You know how if you're nice, gnomes come out at night and do your household chores for you?
<Mongrel> Well, you weren't nice.
<Warped> It turns out that it was just regular jizz, mystery solved
<TheJester> holy fuck what did I just miss.....