No, to tease me about a game I haven't gotten around to buying yet.
Oh. Pretty sure I cashed that check in somewhere before, though. If you're really that upset about it just send me your Friend Code and tell your family to hang on to their bits of geology for next year.
And now, a retrospective on this entire thread. Because we're all about retrospectives here.
Parish notes that Capcom has allegedly registered Mega Man 9 with Australia's ratings board.
Could be bullshit, could be true. We'll see.
Australia: Ahead of the Gaming Curve As Usual!
Can't wait to see the synonym for "Fire" they come up with for this one!
They didn't! ...even though he doesn't actually use any magma himself.
Could certainly go either way: a back-to-basics, gameplay-over-graphics approach that takes the series back to what made it great (how cool would it be if there were no power shot?),
It turned out pretty okay!
Kinda waiting for someone to tell me it's a joke, though.
You know what would be awesome? If the entire game looked like blurry Nintendo Power scans. Because, seriously, that's how I remember 'em.
As it turns out, it
is all blurry and scanned. Not exactly what I meant, but hey.
Well, it's coming to all Systems now. I'm guessing the 360 version will do better sales wise than the others. And I'll probably get it for the achievements.
Oh hey yeah. Thad if you happen to have a next-gen system which isn't a Wii, the weeky wait will actually benefit you, because all the fuckton achievements in the game will actually be
worth shit.
And then you can beat the game 30 times to unlock them all.
Also people are still bugging out about the Robot Master with tits.
There's actually more porn out there for Splash Woman than there is for several Square games. I'm told.
Someone in Parish's comments page links an image that throws some cold water on the excitement.
Turns out that part is incredibly short and awkward. And yes, it's the climax of Splash Woman. The stage. Incredibly short and awkward.
I think Nor's right; this screams "early alpha mockup". I doubt this shot will exist in the final game.
Nope, the shot's in Splash Woman. Thad can deny the shot in Splash Woman, but everybody knows the shot's in Splash Woman.
What are you... you know, this will make life simpler.
...what? That was a relevant point in this thread. Do you want me to go back to making innuendo about Splash Woman? I mean the stage?
The placement of that first bolt suggests either slide or some sort of grabber item later on.
Two weeks and a couple dollars later on, it turns out.
I don't like the idea of the slide being a purchase.
The reaction of a marketing guy as he realizes he has to sell an 8-bit Megaman game in the US is priceless.
In total retrospect, there was no need to panic. This'll probably be one of the best selling games on the entire Wii console.
The Megaman 9 OST is out!
And there's already a bunch of remixes for it. None of them terribly good, though; I get the feeling people just wanted to say they made the remix before the game even existed.
Is it just me or does Concrete Man's music sound like something out of Ninja Gaiden?
Probably because it's in a lower key than usual, like NG's grungy riffs.
Now, if you want to get into comparisons... try going through Magma Man's stage without thinking of the Lupin III theme from now on. I can't!
Pretty sure a lot of the conflict between Inafune and Capcom is that they're always trying to pull him out of creative roles so that he can print money for them as a suit. I'm sure he's said as much a couple of times.
As much as I'm worried about what this game may do to the sensibilities of large publishers, at least
this is starting to look a lot more positive. (So yeah we might actually get MML3 this decade after all, if you're all
very good little boys and girls.)
It's true! It never occured to me to use the Items to move around the walls for the orb wall boss. I always just blew up all the walls, died, and killed guys to fill my weapon meter back up. The walls stay gone on multiple attempts.
...I'm not sure I ever knew you could blow up the walls.
I also didn't know you could freeze the magma beams in this one until Kayma told me!
See, I'm not making shit up. My thickness lets me do amazing things with games.
Tried to play through on Difficult recently; quit after the third time dying to the dragon and being forced to grind Sniper Joes for pathetically reduced item drops in order to refill my Item-1 each time.
Don't grind on the Joes. Grind on the tube guys. You know, the ones from Crash Man's stage.
PROTIP: Do that in this one too (which is what Arc said.)
So the first thing I did was get knocked into a pit by one of the little pit-robots in Concrete Man's stage.
The second thing I did was get knocked into a pit by one of the shots from the little pit-robots in Concrete Man's stage.
...Why am I happy about this?!?!?!
Brings up one other gripe I had with this one. You almost NEVER die by simply running out of energy - an instant-death kill of some type is almost certain to get you first. Now I know it's like this to some degree in
all the games, but not so constantly - I know in Wood Man's stage, for instance, you're probably going to get chewed on to death by bats rather than fall into a hole/spike/lava/laser/uniquemegamanexplodingdevice. It works out okay this time, but unchecked this sort of trap fetish could lead to, well... X6.
Concrete Shot?
...okay done.