Yeah, I liked it.
I mean, it was pretty damn close to what happened with Rose (and has an even easier Undo button if they decide to bring them back for the fiftieth anniversary) but I think he sold it a lot better.
I like that the arc of this half-season was thematic rather than plot-based, and I also think River was well-used in this episode and most of her various awkward problems did not crop up. (Especially now that we know she's no longer in prison -- and is a professor now. Which means this episode occurs later in her timeline than any of the rest except Silence/Forest. Though there's still room to squeeze more in between now and then.)
I also think it makes for an interesting compare-and-contrast to last week's -- it's another example of the monster taking a backseat to Amy and Rory's story, but instead of being a monster that we've never seen before and the Doctor magically fixing everything, it's a monster we HAVE seen before and things going down pretty much exactly as they did in the beginning of Blink.
Not much new, but new wasn't the point. All in all, pretty good I thought.