I continue to love the art on Detective Comics. The story is still take-or-leave.
And the thing that continues to bug me about Batwoman is that while they appear to be trying to treat her sexuality in a sensitive and non-exploitative way, they keep pulling this shit where all the lesbians on DC Earth have to hang out together. As if the whole Renee thing weren't enough, in the latest issue it's revealed that Sawyer's moved to Gotham and she's single now. I mean, Jesus, guys, really?
I mean, I LIKE Sawyer. I've never read a comic she's appeared in, but I liked her on Superman: TAS, and I particularly liked that they worked her sexual orientation into it in a way that was subtle enough to get past the network censors but obvious enough that I got it right away despite having no familiarity with her character from the comics. (There's an ep or two where she's in the hospital and there's a woman by her bedside who, to the best of my recollection, you don't see anywhere else in the series.)
It's kinda like how, over on the Marvel side, Black Panther and Storm are childhood friends. Because if two people are from Africa, they MUST know each other. It's just one of those things where writers, under editorial edict, are trying to be sensitive and openminded but instead just end up emphasizing how white heterosexual overgrown-adolescent male their genre tends to be.
Still, at least we're leaps and bounds past the 1990's now.