Is Obama being a one term president seeming more and more likely to everyone else, every single day?
Heads are going to roll in Congress, but the Republicans still haven't produced anyone I can even imagine competing with Obama in '12.
I think our best hope for victory is a repeat of New York, where the super conservative and the slightly less super conservative republicans flip out and nominate two seperate candidates for the election.
Unless the super-conservative is Sarah Palin, I really don't see that happening. Nader's effect in 2000 is greatly exaggerated (all statewide recounts still showed Florida going to Gore), as is Perot's in '92 -- and Perot had a shit-ton of money and actually got news coverage and debate participation.
What's a pity is that Nader had just enough impact to get scapegoated for Bush stealing the election, which has crushed any chance at a viable liberal third party for the past decade and the foreseeable future (though if the Dems keep telling the base to fuck off, I think defections will happen sooner rather than later). Frankly the mess we're in now has reminded me why I voted Nader in the first damn place.
At this point, the only thing that Obama has accomplished is passing an incredibly unpopular bailout bill, a bailout bill, i might add, that in the interest of 'bipartisanship' had 0 regulatory measures and is currently just proving to be a huge waste of money.
Well, the only TANGIBLE thing he's accomplished. The fact that the rest of the world no longer hates us is nothing to sneeze at.
we're losing seats at a record rate
Wait, what?
What the fuck are you talking about?
We've lost one seat in the Senate (leaving the Democrats with STILL the greatest single-party majority in 30 years, despite what their "we're so helpless!" whining would have you believe) and one in the House. I mean, I guess that MIGHT be a record since we're already losing seats nine and a half months before most of the country votes, but...while I'm sure the Democrats will lose more seats in November, it's a little early to be saying how many.
and allowing the republican party to control us through the empty threat of a filibuster that they could only pull out with democratic support
Depends on what you mean by "support". If you mean votes, it bears noting that Lieberman is fucking not a Democrat (and Brown's going to be seated any day, which means 41 Republicans); if you mean the Democrats lying down like a bunch of fucking pussies, then yes, I agree.
What I worry about is less Obama not getting reelected and more Obama ending up being the Carter of a new generation. The last thing we need is a continuation of the thirty year image of our party consisting entirely of spineless wimps who can't accomplish anything. Carter created a generation of republicans and political defeatists - my mother in law votes republican because of Carter, and my father in law does not vote at all for the same reason.
Better a Carter than a Clinton.