Rolling Stone interviews Obama.He's in campaign mode, of course, and he's smart -- the very first thing he does is point out that there's a difference between Republicans in general and Republicans in Washington, and that there are plenty of moderate Republicans in this country -- they're just not serving in Congress.
He continues to frame things along those lines -- the Congressional Republicans aren't bad people, but they have a rigid ideology and are more interested in obstructing the President than in getting shit done. And that it's because they're letting guys like Limbaugh and Norquist dictate policy.
He's not wrong, and I wish he could bring this kind of game when he's NOT running for re-election.
Course, he still punks out on gay marriage, the drug war, prosecuting Wall Street criminals, climate science...because he's a punk.
He says he reads Krugman and watches Stewart, so he's at least got some access to smart people telling him why they're frustrated with him.
It closes with the personal stuff, which feels manipulative, but okay, I like the guy; I think he's a good guy. But he's still a punk. I know that you have to be careful what you say to win an election or get a bill passed, but I really do think he's too cautious and makes too many excuses.