That's the sort of thing you expect from the bottom rung of blog commenters, but when it's goddamn
CNN doing it, it's just
. Someone should probably explain to them that WHITE MALE voters are ALSO looking at one Democrat who represents their race and another who represents their gender.
Still, I don't think people tend to take that nonsense seriously. Lord knows CNN's feedback for that piece was less than positive.
Speaking of "less than positive", the "Your candidate can't win" stuff I've seen recently is irritating. I personally think that Clinton will have a harder time against McCain than Obama will, but I wouldn't say she CAN'T win, and hell's bells, I've been wrong before anyway. (I thought McCain was a done deal six months ago, just like everybody else.)
It's times like these I wonder why I continue to read the Huffington Post; it's such a goddamn circle-jerk of (often famous) people who aren't nearly as smart, clever, or insightful as they think they are (with, to be fair, a handful who are). Over the last few hours I've read a post titled
McCain Has Some Questions For Obama, suggesting that McCain will clobber Obama's inconsistent record on immigration and the war (because if there's one thing McCain wants to do, it's remind Republicans of his stance on immigration and Democrats of his stance on Iraq -- makes about as much sense as the people saying Lieberman should be his running-mate, because obviously a Republican who Republicans don't like and a Democrat who Democrats don't like would be a GREAT ticket), and another titled
Obama's Defense Against the Noise Machine and Other Things That Don't Add Up suggesting that Obama will lose the general election because he's unprepared to deal with right-wing smear campaigns. (Standard Thad cheap shot: it looks like the author of that piece should be less worried about adding and more about spelling.)
Jane Hamsher, by contrast, gets it right; obviously I'm not a fan of Clinton, but I AM a fan of Jane and she makes some good points (well, QUOTES some good points; most of the post is actually somebody else's) without deriding Obama, and while still acknowledging there are perfectly valid reasons to disagree with Clinton.
There are perfectly valid policy criticisms of either candidate. But the conjecture on electability is annoying.