Obama takes McCain and Gramm to task for suggesting the remedies to our economic problems are psychological. He says this is something real, not something that people are just making up and can get over with a positive attitude.
You can probably guess which recent statement he made that I would like to contrast this observation with.
Meantime, though: yes yes yes oh my yes, please please PLEASE keep Phil Gramm front and center in the McCain campaign. There is absolutely nothing, nothing at all, better for the Democrats right now than the Republicans referring to America as a "nation of whiners" and dismissing the concerns of the electorate as trivial or imagined.
It sort of makes it harder for them to make the "elitist" label stick to Obama.
"Nation of whiners." My God. Somebody said that. Out loud. In a newspaper interview.
I mean, I've been referring to Republicans as the Blame the Victim Party for years, but they're usually smarter about it.