I'm fairly sure that if he can be made into a common enemy for liberals to unite against, he'll end up retiring one way or another.
I really think you can run an entire campaign on this in 2012 and sweep the houses. It's about the only thing people still care about one way or another.
Eh. Fox News as an entity is ALREADY a common enemy for liberals to unite against. I'd say none of them give a shit if the liberals unite against them, but that's not really true, because they PREFER it that way.
We've already seen where the line is at Fox News: Glenn Beck veering off into anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Short of that, liberal rage is like catnip for them.
Remember when Obama was inaugurated and Fox News's popularity was on the wane? They've bounced back from a lot more than "Bill O'Reilly indulges in stupid rhetoric."
A repeat of 1964 would require people actually being freaked the fuck out by shit Barry Goldwater said.
Well, yes.
On the one hand, the "Let him die!" crowd is a pretty good example of Goldwater conservatism (except much, much cozier with the religious right).
On the other, they're still pretty fringe. Yeah, they made some major victories last year, but as I've said before, a whole lot of the votes for Tea Party candidates were more like votes AGAINST establishment candidates, and seeing these guys actually try to govern is a whole different story.
It bears noting that Paul actually said "No" when asked the "Let him die" question. And he's Ron frickin' Paul.