by the colors.While visiting Barack's site, I had wondered to myself
If I highlight this icon, will it pop-up and glow?And it did! Obama, indeed, has the glow. The influences of Roman symbolism that is now synonymous with DC iconography is even evident in the backgrounding:
Only the inclusion of a lion mauling a Christian family could improve such visual poetry. Serif and non-serif fonts matched? Thats true bipartisanship. There was a graphic there last week with the logo appearing like the morning star, and faceless white shadows rising up into its light. It was
McCain is winning the Republican nomination because he has the best graphics out of that field. They've even ripped off Obama's splash page. Sure, Trajan is
the bullshit font (and matched with Humanas 521? Cheap fucks), but Romney's site was disgusting; true strength for America except in stylesheets.
The shaded military star works. Visible enough to be immediately recognizable as a sign of military strength and experience, but subtle enough that it doesn't scream HELLO I SUPPORT THE TROOPS AND A ROBUST INTERNATIONAL POLICY.
We're relatively smart, and free from typhoid, so we like to think that there's a political machine out there that knows what it's doing because the alternative is that competing groups of corrupt ideologues are running the show.
I prefer to look at the logos.