Nat Gertler's started, where he's soliciting people to donate a dollar for every movie they've seen featuring Jack Kirby characters, which he'll then pass on to the Kirby Museum. (He hopes at some point to pass a share on to the Kirby heirs, too, but hasn't been in touch with them as yet.)
On the whole it may be a more attractive solution than Bissette's boycott; the boycott isn't hurting Marvel in any substantial way, it's certainly not helping the Kirbys, and meanwhile I haven't seen Captain America or read any of Mark Waid's well-received Daredevil run.
(Let's see, I've seen...4 X-Men movies, 2 Iron Man movies, 2 Fantastic Four movies, 2 Hulk movies, Daredevil, and Thor. And did any of Kirby's work make it into Blade, Ghost Rider, or Spider-Man?)
Seriously considering signing on for this in lieu of Bissette's boycott. And maybe starting to pick up Daredevil and contributing now and again for that (but a buck for a $3 monthly series is a bit different for a buck for a few $9 movie tickets a year, so I'd go with some lower value per-issue).