...oh. Well that explains the cover.
This one's just a pregnant, vaguely lizard/insect gangbang/rape scene.
Okay so, out of morbid curiosity, I've been reading this arc. I haven't picked up an X-Men title since... I actually don't think I've ever bought an X-Men comic. The closest I came was that issue of Venom's old series where
he and Wolverine teamed up. And that was going WAY BACK, to I think '96, when I was 10.
It actually is pretty good, this arc, so far. It's mostly a fantastic voyage plot against million of zerglings, with a fairly cool space doomsday as the main Bad Guy, and a B-plot with Wolverine and some genius mutant kid going to Space Vegas to count cards and win enough money to save the school.
I think it's a bit better for me because there's all this insane shit that has probably been set up in previous issues but of which I have no clue about, like the fact that they have an actual dragon in a sub/space suit (with a little hole near his mouth through which he can blow fire out) go in with them on their fantastic voyage, and the presence of this adorable pair of hot-headed space-king kid and overprotective claymore-carrying lady-knight crush, and the fact that their lawn is apparently actually a massive plant monster who devours intruders, and so forth. It has been nothing if not entertaining so far.
That said, the fact that kitty is pregnant isn't completely necessary, as far as I can tell. I mean she could just have these zerglings in her blood stream and it wouldn't really change any of what's been established up to this point. They probably did this for the SHOCKING REVEAL and the cover.