...yeah, had a feeling it was something simple, but I was in a hurry. Thanks for your help.
Anyway, to elaborate: after attacking DC, Superboy gets sent back to his parents' basement (because jokes about losers who live in their parents' basements weren't old in 1995, you see) to whine some more. About that point, the fanboy schtick quits being funny and pretty much gets downright mean-spirited. Which is not to say that fanboys don't deserve to be mocked, but John comes across as being just as petulant as Superboy here.
The most self-aware moment of the issue is where Prime whines that it's not his fault, they MADE him a villain -- yeah, that's straight-up teen angst crap, but in this case it happens to be literally true.
Basically, a great setup that runs out of gas halfway through. Where the story could have continued cleverly skewering the foibles of the industry and its consumers alike (I think it was the Newsarama review that pointed out Superboy should have been bitching about the two-issue event tie-in, and there's quite a lot of shit he could have said about how the story ended), but ultimately it turns into a writer using his bully pulpit to mock the people who say mean things about him on messageboards.
Oh, and there's a backup story with the Kon-El Superboy. It's very boring.