Before I hit the list, I just want to say that the best book of last week was Power Man & Iron Fist, written by Fred Van Lente with art by Wellinton Alves, inks by Nelson Pereira, colors by Bruno Hang and letters by Joe Caramagna. If the words "Written by Fred Van Lente" don't move you to buy the book then something is fundamentally broken in your person and I'm sorry.
Anyway, onto the show.
After two weeks of SNOW delays I'm back to copy pasting from other forums!
28 Days Later #20
Amazing Spider-Man #654.1
Angel #42
Archie & Friends #152
Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis #5 (of 5)
Avengers Academy #9
Batman #707
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #188
Booster Gold #41
Boys #51
Brightest Day #20
Captain America Man Out of Time#4 (of 5)
Captain Wonder 3-D one-shot
Cyclops #4
Daredevil Reborn #2 (of 4)
Darkwing Duck #9
DC Universe Online Legends #2
Deadpool Max #5
Detective Comics Classics
DF Uncanny X-Force #1 Midtown Shared Ltd. Cvr.
DMZ #62
Donald Duck #363
Doom Patrol #19
Dungeons and Dragons #4 <-- Did you guys know this is written by John Rogers (of Leverage fame)?
Edge of Doom #4
Fables #102
Flash Gordon Invasion fo the Red Sword #1
Formic Wars Burning Earth #1 (of 7)
Garth Ennis' Jennifer's Blood #1
Generation Hope #4
GFT Presents Neverland #7 (of 7)
GI Joe Cobra II #13
Green Hornet Year One #8
Green Lantern #62 Brightest Day
Green Lantern Corps #57 Brightest Day
Grimm Fairy Tales #55
Hawkeye: Blind Spot #1 (of 4)
Hellblazer #276
Hulk #30
Iron Man Rapture #4 (of 4)
Justice League of America #54
Kill Shakespeare #1 100 Penny Press Ed.
Knights of the Dinner Table #171
Legion of Super Heroes #10
Loki #3 (of 4)
Magdalena (ongoing) #5
Magnus Robot Fighter #3 (of 4)
Marineman #3
Marvel Girl #1
Mass Effect Evolution #2 (of 4)
Memoir #2 (of 6)
Mickey Mouse #305
Mighty Samson #2
Nanny & Hank #3
Nanny & Hank #4
Night of the Living Dead #3 (of 5)
Outsiders #36
Proof Endangered #3
Ratchet & Clank #6 (of 6)
Robert Jordan Wheel of Time Eye of the World #8
Scourge #3
Shield #6
Silent Hill Past Life #4 (of 4)
Silver Surfer #1 (of 5)
Simpsons Comics #175
Sonic Universe #25
Spider-Girl #4 BIG
Spirit #11
Stan Lee Soldier Zero #5
Star Wars Knight Errant #5 (of 5)
Supergirl #61
Superman Batman #81
Tank Girl Bad Wind Rising #2 (of 4)
The Suicide Forest #3 (of 4)
Thunderbolts #153
Tiny Titans #37
TransFormers Infestation #2 (of 2)
Twilight Guardian #2 (of 4)
Uncanny X-Force #5
Vampirella #3
Venom Deadpool #1
Wolverine #6
Wolverine & Jubilee #2 (of 4)
Wonder Woman #607
Young Justice #1
Light week for me this week, limited to Hellblazer and Generation Hope! Looks like I'll have the cash to put towards another trade!