More on the Atomic Comics closing:
Don't remember if I mentioned this or not, but Samurai Comics has managed to open up a location in the space RIGHT NEXTDOOR to the flagship Atomic store. Great move for them, lucky that the space was available and that they got it on such short notice, and great news for the Atomic customers.
At the moment it's pretty barebones; it's got the last couple weeks' releases right upfront, and some of the popular trades you'd expect would be big sellers (Walking Dead, Fables, Sandman, Spider-Man both Essential and Brand New Day, Batman: Year One, and so on), plus some toys. It's a pretty good stock for having only been there two weeks but it looks like, well, a collection that was thrown together on two days' notice.
I didn't chat with the manager myself but I overheard him saying that they'll be moving more stuff in as time goes on, and that they expect they'll be in this location for at least a few months, though after that they may relocate to a different spot in the same area.
I didn't buy anything, but I think it's great that there's a store there, and, like Atomic, I'll be sure and poke my head in every time I'm in the neighborhood and see if I catch anything that strikes my fancy.