So I know I'm a little late on this, but I picked up Kickass and the new Terry Moore book Echo. Kickass seems like Millar at his best, which is good because bad Millar can be pretty terrible. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this book.
Echo I'm not sure about yet. It's clearly a completely different book from Strangers in Paradise, which honestly is probably a good thing as that book lost its way more than once. Still, I have to say the first issue didn't hook me. I fucking love his art though, and I don't care about art in comics usually.
I've been picking up the twelve, and so far it's a lot of fun. Nothing ground breaking here, but it's a very very solid mix of pulp and modern political superhero comics. Maybe it'll come together into something really amazing, or maybe it'll fail hard, it's still too early to tell.
I just don't understand Bendis. Powers, Alias, and his run on Daredevil are some of my favorite superhero comics ever. But then Ultimate Spiderman and New Avengers are just all over the place quality wise, and Mighty avengers is just blah. Currently I'm really enjoying Ultimate Spiderman and Powers, and not particularly caring for either of the avengers titles.
X-Factor has been my favorite book consistently since Vaughn left Runaways. The last two issues were probably the weakest of the current run, and they were still pretty great. I really need to check out some other Peter David stuff.
I assume anyone who'd consider picking it up is already picking it up, but the Buffy comic is just about perfect.
I've started picking up Teen Titans and Birds of Prey. I'm enjoying them, but they're really highlighting for me how much I just don't get the DC universe.
I've actually started to really like Allstar Batman and Robin.
God the new amazing spiderman is terrible.
I'm actually liking the current arc on Runaways, though I wish it wasn't coming out quarterly.
I spend too much money on comics.
Oh, and I'm finally getting around to reading Bone. Turns out it's pretty good