You know what, is it so fucking hard for people to ask for help?
Someone in another department didn't do their damn job and sat on an bunch of stuff for a month and we look like idiots again. But that doesn't bug me.
What bugs me is when that person then make excuses (there are mistakes in the forms agagagaga) and then try to push the responsibility on me by pretending the it's part of my job responsibilities to correct the excuses - when it isn't, it's theirs.
In this case it's a bunch of account applications. Finance sat on them for a month and did nothing. Turns out half of them are missing information, but only NOW do they say that. Now everything's going sour because the shit's not done. They spent weeks ignoring the damn things and then tried to pretend it's my job to call up people and get the applications corrected when I'm not even involved in the process at all - it's a sales/finance thing, I just forwarded some faxes for people. Then they tried to pretend they didn't get them when they TOLD ME they did.
It's retarded and it annoys the hell out of me because it's just a few phone calls and I know Finance is overworked. I would have been more than happy to make those calls if they'd just said they were really busy and asked. But no, they have to pull this stupid shit where they play games to try and have this responsibility shoveled on me (permanently even!).
Fuck them, they're not getting one damn inch out of me.
EDIT: This seems like a 'job' post, but I'm just complaining in general about this kind of dumb spineless behaviour. JUST ASK, PEOPLE.