Okay. Before i aquired my fairly large collection of mp3's, I used to listen to radio a lot.
Because I always put all the music I have into a single giant playlist (I like the randomness and sometimes I am pleastly surprised by an odd chance), the collection sometimes becomes stale. it's a closed environment, so I'll never learn about any NEW music that way.
So, in the in the last month or so I started listening to radio again quite a bit.
Already the endless commercials, and repetition of songs - and repetition of endless commercials - have put me off. SO MUCH FOR THAT.
It's kind of like how I never watch TV and have not had cable of any kind for over a decade now. Every now and then I wonder if anything good is on TV, and then I see TVs in a shop somewhere, or catch an episode of something at a friend's house and am GRATEFUL that I don't watch TV. Same applies to Marvel DC comics... once in a while I'll flip through an X-book at the shop, out of curiosity and put it right back on the rack, realizing I am NOT MISSING A THING.
But radio would have been nice. I guess I need another year or two to rebuild my tolerance