Shut. The fuck. Up.
Before you say another fucking word, let's review how you talk to people.
I've never seen Avatar and will never watch it because not only do I have no interest, but any time anybody mentions that I should watch it, it just pisses me off more about being determined not to watch it.
HINT: If you say "I've never watched it and hate it based entirely on the fact that other people like it," you're inviting people to point out that, you know, you should fucking
try something before you ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH or whatever.
I don't have any desire to watch it. I've seen a handful of episodes, didn't like it at all, and don't have any interest in watching.
Fucking okay then. Say that in the first place, and you won't need to have to post a rant in two different topics because somebody was helpfully trying to get you over what you've falsely stated to be a preconceived notion.
I've been where you are,
God and Thad above know that, and I'm telling you right now that people aren't going to stop telling you that, you know,
Good Popular Thing is Good. Not even a decade later. You have only a few options:
1) Calm the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and deal the fuck with it.
2) Have a constantly recurring series of arguments that escalate to a point that's seriously embarrassing for everyone.
3) Swallow your pride, watch the thing, hate it, but be content that you know what everybody is talking about and also what you're talking about when you say you don't like it.
You're heading down track #2 right now. I know you don't give a fuck what my suggestions happen to be, so I'll leave it up to you to decide if that is something you would enjoy or not.