I didn't say it's not supposed to be balanced, I said that it isn't balanced, and judging two classes (Zealot and Ironbreaker) by their performance at level 11 is ridiculous. I admit that there is not much you can do personally at level 11, but to say that tier 2 is a total wash is just ignorant. Any tier can be rough if you're at minimum level, but by the time you're half way through it you're a near par with anyone in there thanks to bolster, and regardless of your success in the scenarios you are always quite well rewarded, and the alternative to the tier system they have is not being able to get into a scenario most of the time. Believe me, I played before they implemented the current system, and in the lower populated tiers the scenarios never popped due to the level gaps.
If you can deal, then just wait until you're half way through the tier before you queue up. As for the L2P comment, I was just being glib.
Addendum: And by "unbalanced", I'm not talking about something major, like WoW hunters at 19. I'm talking about some classes being too powerful against classes against which they are already intended to be effective.